Let's begin saving you money. Please fill out the client form, make sure you fill out each line that pertains to your family. After you have completed your save it to your computer and upload it to your member file. You will receive a confirmation of receipt followed by an appointment time.
Tax returns can be very overwhelming with today's newest tax laws. Overlooking simple deductions and credits is easier than you may think; even with online help provided by Turbo Tax or H&R Block. With CA we are able to :
Double check any issues that may have been overlooked;
File your tax return electronically so you will get a refund back quicker;
Instruct you on how to adjust your payroll withholding increase your net pay;
Go over potential deductions that will reduce your tax liability.
As your bookkeeper CA will take on the responsibility of filing your tax returns and reconcile your books that insure increased profitability in your business. Each month or quarter our teams will
Reconcile your bank account
Generate an income statement
Generate a balance sheet
Clean up your general ledger
Provide unlimited consultations
It’s never too early to start building your personal wealth. CA can assist in guiding your financial future with one-on-one counseling and a thorough financial plan that will assist in dealing with unforeseen expenses as well as help with budgeting and ensuring financial growth.
Our goal for you is to:
Make sure that your saving enough for retirement based on your needs;
Plan for your children’s college education;
Ensure that your savings can cover your family in case of sickness, hardship, a disability and death;
And institute a strategic plan that will provide a legacy for your beneficiaries.
CA can enter your accounting information as well as do any “clean up” needed to save you time, money and resources. These services includes, but not limited to:
Day-to-day business transactions,
Cash disbursals and/or receivables
Accounts Payable Data Entry
Accounts Receivable Data Entry
Invoice Data Entry
Auditing Data Entry
Manual Journal Entry
General Ledger Data Entry
Financial Data Entry
Inventory Data Entry